Why Are Automotive Recalls Rising Across Europe?

We blogged back in June 2018 about an apparent steep rise in European automotive recalls over recent years.  Bringing the story up to date with the latest data from Sedgwick, we see another significant increase in 2019 followed by only a very modest reduction in 2020 (given the slowdown caused by the pandemic).

Even including the slight dip in 2020, we have seen a massive threefold increase in the number of recalls across Europe in only seven years!  Nobody seems entirely clear on the reason for this, or how long the trend may continue for.

Meanwhile we see a more gentle upward trend in food recalls across Europe, echoing our blog post about a rise in UK food product recalls in January.  Whilst we only have data here on two specific industry sectors; it does suggest that, at the very least, product recalls are a problem that just isn’t going away.

As well as helping our clients with their general business continuity and crisis communications planning; we are happy to advise on the specifics on managing product recalls, based on the good practice contained in  PAS 7100: 2018 – Code of Practice on Consumer Product Safety Related Recalls and other Corrective Actions.

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