Shifting Pattern of Cyber Attacks in 2017

Radware’s annual reports provide a very detailed analysis of the current state of the cyber security threat.  Whilst the latest report, released earlier this month, confirms that cyber attacks are occurring with relentless frequency and continue to evolve and grow in sophistication; it also shows some subtle shifts in the targeting of these attacks.  For instance the frequency of attacks amongst service providers appears to be increasing with 23% of firms reporting experiencing daily attacks (up from 15% in 2016); likewise the number of financial services firms reporting daily attacks was up from 14% to 17%.  However, in the same period, the proportion of government agencies experiencing daily attacks fell from 27% to 24% and the number of organisations in the education sector fell from 15% to 5%.

Perhaps there is a danger here though of getting lost in all the detail: even within the education sector, 90% of organisations report experiencing at least one cyber attack a year so it is clearly a threat that cannot be ignored.  Particularly as the average estimated cost of a cyber incident was reported at $1.3m.

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