Product Recalls – A Tale of Two Sectors

As usual at this time of year, we like to take a look at the figures for product recalls in the UK over the last 12 months.  Last year we reported a quiet year, but this year there seem to be two very different stories in the food and electrical goods sectors, as shown in the graph below.

According to the Electrical Safety First website, the number of electrical product recalls fell again to only 22 (back to the same level as 2009).  As we said last year though, we wouldn’t read too much into these fluctuations from year to year.  However, the number of food recalls bounced back up to 79 (according to the FSA website), the highest total in the last ten years.  As ever, we caution against drawing bold conclusions from limited data but, beyond the sharp fluctuations from year to year, there does appear to be a steady upward trend over the last ten years.

Whatever the (possible) trends, once again we would highlight these figures as a reminder for all organisations to review their BCM arrangements and, in particular, crisis communications plans, management of their supply chains and product recall plans.

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