Latest BCI Cyber Resilience Report Published

The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) recently published its 2018 Cyber Resilience Report.  In many ways this year’s report confirms the findings of the previous reports in 2016 and 2017:

  • 66% of organisations experienced at least one “cyber security incident” in the last 12 months (64% in 2017);
  • 11% of organisations experienced more than 20 incidents in the last 12 months (10% in 2017); and
  • The impact of the majority of incidents was estimated at less than €50 000, but a very small number cost over €1m.

The figures on the response time to an incident were also consistent with previous years, with 38% estimating that they responded within an hour of detection and 79% within 3 hours.  Taken at face value this seems quite encouraging; however, for the first time, the 2018 survey also asked about the time taken to detect an incident.  Only 28% of respondents estimated that they detected incidents within an hour and 34% estimated that it took over 4 hours.  Clearly one cannot respond to an incident until it has been detected, so reducing detection times would appear to be the key challenge going forward.

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