Hotel Chocolat and Cambridge Risk Solutions win an award

Hotel Chocolat and Cambridge Risk Solutions jointly received the ‘Business Continuity Strategy Through Partnership’ award in the 2014 CIR Business Continuity Awards.  We are particularly thrilled as this is the second consecutive year that Cambridge Risk Solutions have won this award.

This award is for partnership, and the close working relationship between client and consultants has been absolutely central to the success of the Hotel Chocolat BC programme so far; much of this derives from Hotel Chocolat’s corporate culture and, in particular, the positive and inclusive attitude towards external subject matter experts.  Hotel Chocolat believe that Cambridge Risk Solutions staff are “part of the team”, and always treated us as such: successes have been shared, as have any setbacks along the way.

Ultimately the success of the BCM programme cannot be demonstrated by the way in which Hotel Chocolat have dealt with disruptions because, since its inception, there have been none (although that in itself must be a good sign).  Rather, the programme should be viewed as one component contributing to the overall success of the company: FY12/13 was yet another record year.

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