What is Data Protection By Design?
What is data protection by design? This is about implementing an approach that ensures that data protection and privacy issues are considered throughout the lifecycle of a project.
GDPR requires that you take measures to show that you have considered data protection, and taken privacy measures into account in your data processing measures.

Data Protection By Design
Implementation of data protection by design as a key element of all project management and change management will help to ensure that you have taken all privacy issues into consideration.
By taking steps to ensure the protection of all data from the very beginning of the project all the way to its conclusion and full implementation should help you comply with your data protection requirements and responsibilities.
The factors that you need to think about may include technical solutions, such as security measures, tools for maintenance and updating data and methods of deletion.
However, the solutions are not just limited to the technical and physical. As an example, restriction of access to certain groups of staff, and roles-based access may be a consideration.
Other considerations may include training; the number of data breaches and privacy incidents caused by staff error is staggering.
As an example, for implementing a new CRM system, you may need to think as a very early stage about how you want the data to be entered, stored, retained and accessed. You will additionally need to consider how data can be corrected or, ultimately deleted. As part of the implementation plans, you will need to ensure the safe transfer of existing data into any new systems, possibly including the destruction or archiving of current records that are no longer required. You will also need to be sure that staff know, understand and follow all the procedures required throughout the project process and beyond so that they can ensure the protection of all data.
It is critical to implement data protection by design measures into any activity which involves sharing data with third parties. Data sharing agreements need to clarify the measures that are in place to ensure protective measures are affective.
By implementing effective procedures and technical solutions, your organisation should find it easier to ensure compliance with your own policies as well as the principles of GDPR. For further guidance, contact Cambridge Risk Solutions for support.
We are happy to answer any questions about Business Continuity, Crisis Management, Information Security, Data Protection and Product Recalls.
How Can Cambridge Risk Solutions Help?
Cambridge Risk Solutions provides a range of services to assist with the implementation of effective Data Protection policies and procedures, and have an experienced Certified Data Protection Officer who can assist with your data protection compliance.
View some case studies of recent Data Protection projects.