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Crisis Management Training

Crisis management training is designed to improve the individual and collective ability of incident management teams to deal with disruptions.

Crisis management training should be progressive; beginning with presentations and workshops before moving on to exercises as the team grows in ability and confidence.

Various different aspects of crisis management training are discussed below. Training is offered in a variety of formats, including E-Learning.

More information on how to develop your crisis management capabilities is available in our Downloads section.

Making the right decisions through crisis management training

Crisis Management Training Options

Cambridge Risk Solutions offers a wide range of crisis management training courses based on ISO 22361. Typical requirements include:

  • Short crisis management briefings for executives;
  • Half-day workshops for middle managers who have specific crisis management roles; and
  • Longer courses for individuals with specialist roles such as setting up and running crisis management centres.

Crisis Communications Training Courses

Communicating with stakeholders is absolutely key to managing a crisis: a number of recent incidents have vividly illustrated the consequences of getting this wrong. This is particularly true of fast-moving information security incidents, and ISO 27001 includes several clauses relating specifically to communications during an incident. Appropriate training is necessary to equip senior managers with the skills and confidence to communicate effectively.

Cambridge Risk Solutions have proven expertise in the delivery of effective crisis communications training. Where required, we work with a number of selected partners to provide specialised content including media interview training. We can also enliven exercises with simulated press, TV and social media activity.

Log-Keeper Training Courses

Maintaining an effective log of the information received and decisions taken during an incident is absolutely critical. Not only is it a vital resource for those who are managing the incident in real time, but it also enables productive post-incident reviews that identify the maximum learning. Too often though, the people charged with this responsibility have received no training to enable them to carry out this important role.

Cambridge Risk Solutions has an online Loggist course which teaches best practice and includes:

  • Presentations on the importance of maintaining a log and good practice in log-keeping;
  • A log-keeping case study; and
  • A live log-keeping exercise.

Other log-keeping training formats are available if required.


As well as face-to-face courses, we now offer a range of E-Learning modules to develop crisis management capabilities.

We are happy to answer any questions about Business Continuity, Crisis Management, Information Security, Data Protection and Product Recalls.

How Can Cambridge Risk Solutions Help?

Click the button to see some examples of incident management training and exercises.

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