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Conducting Desktop Exercises

The Client

The client is a commercial research institute with approximately 100 staff.

The Problem

Having recently written a business continuity plan from scratch, they asked our consultant to facilitate a desktop exercise for their crisis management team.

The agreed objectives for the exercise were as follows:

  • Improve familiarity with the business continuity plan
  • Practise the crisis management team in making decisions in a crisis situation
  • Identify any gaps in the business continuity plan
BC for a research environment

The Solution

8 members of staff attended the exercise; this included a mixture of primary members of the crisis management team and their designated substitutes as would likely occur in a real incident. The exercise was based on a ‘flu pandemic scenario which unfolded over a 2½ hour timeframe.

As well as giving the team practise in working together, the exercise identified some specific areas where the existing plan was weak including:

  • Awareness of critical suppliers and their plans
  • Methods for communicating with staff
  • Implementing arrangements for remote working

As well as helping to prepare for a pandemic, the plan improvements resulting from this exercise stood the institute in good stead to deal with both a significant power outage and severe weather.

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